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dilute mutation


Dilute mutation budgies have body colour reduced/diluted by up to 80%. Throat spots are pale grey and so are head barring and wing feathers. Tail feathers of the Dilutes are either white or pale yellow or pale grey. Cheek patches are pale violet or pale blue. The difference between Greywing and Dilute can be seen in their cheek patches. Dilute budgies have their cheek patches very pale, much lighter than Greywings. Also - wing feathers are very pale grey in Dilutes and medium grey in Greywings.

cheek patches budgies

Cheek patches in budgies are good indicators what mutation your budgie is, when it comes to distinguish Dilute from Greywing and Clearwing. As you can see, Clearwing's cheek patches are normal colour (dark blue/dark violet), Greywing's are 50% paler and Dilute's are very pale, almost gone.

dilute mutation

Below - examples of Dilute mutation

dilute budgie
dilute budgie
dilute budgie
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